• Cruelty-Free

    It’s 2019 peoples! A time where we have evolved in so many ways yet have remained stuck in so many others. But one thing that does baffle me in this day in age is that there are still so many cosmetic companies out there who continue to test their products, or use ingredients in their products that are tested on animals. Did you know...
  • Why Cellulite Reduction Should be on Your 'Most Wanted' List

    Cellulite Reduction has hit Adelaide, and quickly become a favourite addition to the usual beauty routine. So why should it be on your 'most wanted' list this summer? Well, for a start, it’s simple and effective, and chances are your friends are already taking full advantage of this amazing therapy, even if in secret. Cellulite Reduction, also referred to as Fat Cavitation or Ultrasound Cavitation,...
  • 9 reasons to buy mum a Celcius Gift Voucher for Mother's Day

    Far out, Mother's Day is this Sunday! Where did that spring from all of a sudden? If, like most of us, you have left everything to the last minute (again!) and still haven't got mum a gift yet, then I am here to tell you everything is going to be okay. Take a deep breath. Celcius to the rescue. We have the perfect gift that will...
  • Say goodbye to cellulite

    The big 'c' word. Cellulite is such a dirty word. Us women rarely divulge into conversation about this topic. Can't tell you why, I just know we don't sit around sipping lattes asking each other; "Do you have cellulite?"... "How much cellulite do you have?"... "When did you first get cellulite?"... it's just not done!  One thing I can bet my bottom dollar on...
  • Introducing Maciek Swistak

    Introducing the newest addition to the Celcius team, Maciek Swistak. Maciek is a fully qualified massage and lymphatic drainage therapist, and we are super excited to have him working with us. To celebrate Maciek joining the Celcius Clinic we are currently offering 20% off his services. To make a booking with Maciek, call 8274 1111.  

Celcius Beauty

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